Truth Naked

WE call thee 'brother', Scavenger;
We lie, believe us not:
Would we dare set our kindred on
The task that is thy lot?

We call thee 'friend', O Scavenger;
We lie, believe us not:
Thy Home reeks ranker than Latrines,
And we reck not a jot.

We call thee 'hero', Scavenger;
We lie, believe us not:
A soul that conquers flesh is not
A carrion-feeding sot.

Until we callous callid brutes
For dread of Wrath Divine,
Desist from crime of coz'ning thee
To play the human swine;

Until thy sodd'n eyes do awake
To thine own manliness,
Our cant of "brother", "hero", "friend",
Is balderdash, no less!

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